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Wargame Miniaturen

Erlebe die Intensität unserer exquisiten Auswahl an Tabletop-Miniaturen. Unsere Kategorie bietet detailreiche Soldaten, beeindruckende Panzer und authentische Gebäude, perfekt für Sammler und Strategen. Tauche in historische Schlachten ein und gestalte deine eigenen epischen Szenarien .

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Wargame3D - Japan

Wargame3D - Japan

(1 products)

Discover our impressive collection of Wargame3D miniatures dedicated to the Japanese armed forces from WWII to the present day. Our models capture the uniqueness and technological advances of Japanese military vehicles and infantry units, from the famous WWII main battle tanks such as the Type 97 Chi-Ha to the modern Self-Defense Forces with their advanced tanks and equipment. Each miniature is designed with the utmost care and attention to detail to ensure historical accuracy and tactical variety on the gaming table. Ideal for collectors, historians and wargaming enthusiasts who want to experience the fascinating military history of Japan through dynamic and strategic games.